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Watch Now Honoring Cultures: Mitigating Bias in the Forensic Interview Josh Bissell  60 minutes

Brief Overview: Honoring Cultures was a workgroup, supported through Children's Advocacy Centers of Michigan, dedicated for creating solutions to the impact of implicit bias on the systems designated to protect children from child abuse and neglect. The Honoring Cultures team crafted the Mitigating Bias in the Forensic Interview tool, a resource designed to help forensic interviewers with a practical way to address the impact of bias on their forensic interviewing skills. The Mitigating Bias tool is a specific and intentional practice that can help to avoid our choices being overrun by unconscious thought, influence decision making and improve the response to people of all cultures and identities.

Expert Presenters: Josh Bissell is the program director for Children's Advocacy Centers of Michigan, committed to providing support to CAC leaders, their staffs, and their MDTs across 40 programs. His work includes helping prepare teams for re-accreditation, new developing programs reach initial accreditation with support ranging from on-site training to virtual consultations. His favored areas of expertise are in forensic interviewing, MDT best practices, the NCA accreditation standards, resiliency and secondary traumatic stress, and CAC program development.

Connecting you with experts in the field of child abuse

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This activity has also been designed to meet the Minnesota Board of Social Work for 1 hour CEU.

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