Strengthening the Multidisciplinary Response to Child Maltreatment

 The National Criminal Justice Training Center (NCJTC) delivers resources and training opportunities to multidisciplinary partners who investigate, prosecute, and work to prevent child victimization cases. A number of training programs - both in person and online - are available through their work and in collaboration with the Midwest Regional CAC. To learn more, click on the links below or contact Corey Brodsky, Program Manager (, 952-992-5274).

We are so grateful to the phenomenal team at NCJTC for their leadership and for allowing us to provide some tremendous trainings throughout the Midwest on child abuse investigations and the multidisciplinary response to commercially and sexually exploited children. We are looking forward to continuing this partnership through 2017 and bringing even more high quality trainings to the Midwest.


This two day course will focus on evaluating evidentiary findings through crime scene images, interviews and case studies, and highlight the importance of working cooperatively with other disciplines for the benefit of child victims and the prosecution of offenders. More information on the Following the Evidence course can be found by clicking here.


This two day training will equip attendees from child-serving organizations to create a plan of action for their organization with a goal of preventing child sexual abuse of youth in their care. Attendees will participate in a facilitated discussion about signs and symptoms of child sexual abuse, Mandated Reporter and stakeholder responsibilities and leave with a customized Strategic Prevention Dashboard (Action Plan) for their organization.

For more information and to register, visit NCJTC's website.


NCJTC's webinar series addresses contemporary issues faced by state and local law enforcement, prosecutors, medical personnel, child protection and social workers, juvenile court personnel, forensic interviewers, CAC personnel and other child serving professionals. Live webinars allow participants to interact with the presenter and ask questions. Webinars take place each month, and you can search them all here. Archived webinars are located here.


This four-day course provides multidisciplinary teams with information, resources and training needed to more effectively combat the commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC). Learn more about upcoming tuition-free courses across the country here.


This four and a half-day training provides new and experienced law enforcement, CPS, forensic interviewers and other child serving professionals with up-to-date information and tips for the investigation and prosecution of all types of child abuse cases. The training will emphasize the importance of a multidisciplinary team approach to the investigation and prosecution of child abuse, child sexual abuse and child exploitation cases. Preferred practices for interviewing children and suspects, evidence collection, case management and current legal issues will be discussed.

For more information and to register, visit NCJTC's website.