If you were redirected here from the registration form, you successfully submitted your Peer Review registration information!

The final step to complete your registration is to submit payment. Please follow the instructions below to pay by check.

  1. Make check out to: Children’s Healthcare
  2. Input in memo line: STPL/140101/91038. If your organization name is different than the account name on the check, please add your organization name in the memo line as well.
  3. Send checks to:

Midwest Regional Children’s Advocacy Center
Attn: Children’s Minnesota Midwest Children’s Resource Center
347 N Smith Ave Ste 70-401
St. Paul, MN 55102

A copy of our W9 can be found at bit.ly/mrcac-w9-2023 for your reference. An invoice is available at www.mrcac.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/PR2024Invoice.pdf.

If you have any questions about payment, please contact Sandy O’Keefe, Program Coordinator, at sandy.okeefe@childrensmn.org.