Forensic Interview Journal Club — Archived Calls

Each summer, the Midwest Regional CAC hosts an online session of our Forensic Interviewer Journal Club. On this page, you can sign up to watch recordings and download handouts from previous sessions. Click the icon for a brief registration form; after submission, you will be directed to a page for immediate access.

2024 Archive
Honoring Cultures: Mitigating Bias in the Forensic Interview

During this presentation, Josh Bissell provided participants with a comprehensive understanding of unconscious bias, its mechanisms, and its influence on decision-making, particularly in forensic interviewing. Josh also introduced the Honoring Cultures guide and the application of critical reflective mindfulness to enhance forensic interviews.

2023 Archive
A Conversation About Testifying:
Trial Preparation & Conquering the Witness Stand

During this presentation, Justin Fitzsimmons outlined considerations and steps for preparation when taking the witness stand during trial. He provided an overview of general testimony information, trial preparation, information on direct and cross-examination, and many challenging questions you are likely to encounter while on the stand.

2022 Archive
Interviewing Adolescents:
Learning From the Experts

During this presentation, Julie Kenniston shared developmental considerations and dynamics involved when interviewing adolescents. She incorporated statements made by an adolescent youth in a support group she facilitated, helping professionals consider the viewpoint and experience of survivors.

2021 Archive
Children With Disabilities & Forensic Interviewing

During this presentation, Scott Modell reviewed the realities of life for children with disabilities, including disproportionate victimization, as well as communication do’s and don’ts plus assumptions we make about children with disabilities’ abilities. He also discussed interview techniques that can be used in children labeled as “non-verbal.”

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Maggie Larson at To learn more about Journal Club, or to register, visit